Flag Salute & Invocation by Steve Spitzer

Visting Rotarians: Terry Myers (Sunrise Club in Sequim) 

Guests: Susie Betts


Nov 19th Rotary District Leadership Conference in Mount Vernon (4 members currently will be attending, but the more the merrier!) and ALSO on Nov 19th there is District 5050 Foundation dinner right here at the Bellingham Golf and Country Club.

Stan presented photos from G&G

"Golden Pen Award" was awarded to Dan Wilkerson and Mike Hammes. 

Also, next week we will be giving a special award to someone in our club.  Come and see what it is!

Grape & Gourmet: Acc to Orphalee we conservatively made $40K on the event, maybe more.  Combined with Brewers, that's over $70K for the year which we can use for all our good causes.  Everyone agrees that this was the best organized G&G by far. 



Bucks in the Bay 

  • Lynn Templeton with a sad story;
  • Mark Bergsma has an upcoming show called "Choices" this Friday evening at Donette Studios, please come and attend!
  • Harold Scott said pre-sales of wine went great this year, thanked everyone who helped out;
  • Marla Sanger birthday bucks, also in honor of grandma who passed away at age of 102!
  • Brad Cornwell great event this weekend;
  • Dannon Traxler wasn't G&G because was in NYC, saw the marathon! 
  • Bob Jones hasn't been around for a few weeks dealing with some serious family issues, asking for leave of absence;
  • Joel Hile missing his wife who passed three years ago;
  • Dick Stark was on the Big Island;
  • Art Renestrand thanked everyone for the work on G&G
  • Jane for missed meetings while traveling around the country, while in Chicago Saturna received 6 mutual fund awards!
  • Donna Edquist thanks Mary for covering for her at G&G, also successful Boys&Girls Club breakfast fundraiser;
  • Aaron daughter turns one next week, saw interesting polio documentary so he is proud of our Rotary work!
  • Patti upcoming wedding anniversary;
  • Eddie took wife to attend Tony Robbins conference.

Sergeant at Arms by Orphalee

Fines for non-attendees of recent fundraisers, and member trivia.


Christine introduced Janet Ott.  Janet served as a Vietnam vet nurse, and since has had many careers.  For the last 15 years she has worked as a executive coach.  Excellence Northwest.

Janet focussed on the subject of curiosity and courage: The more we have, the less demons we will have.

Those in their later years often identify the following things they would do differently: 

  • be more reflective
  • identify life goals
  • take more risks 

We often confuse risk and danger. Risk is usually not necessarily physically dangerous.  When we live at the edge of risk we feel more alive.  Where are we playing it safe, and where is it costing us?  Risk not for risk's sake, but for a purpose.  We need more curiosity and courage to risk to get where we want to be.  What would we do or say today if success were absolutely guaranteed?  Who needs to hear our truth?  Janet invites us to do one thing every day to practice our courage; amaze yourself with your own daring!

Respectfully submitted,
Stowe Talbot