Flag Salute & Invocation by Bill Geyer
Visiting Rotarians:  None
Guests:  John Purdie (Mt Baker Theatre), Annalise and Shawna from Leopold Hotel,  Joe from Colonial Life Fairhaven, Paul Twedt’s wife Kim.
Dannon read another snippet from our early club history 1982-84. 
Crab Feed, this Thursday 21st at 5pm at Mark Turner’s place, $30/adult, $10/kid (4682 Wynn Road, Ferndale just off Slater Road).
Inaugural Third Thursday Business Lunch will be at noon July 21 at Anthony’s Hearthfire!
Lance / Terry / Tyler with updates on Brewers by the Bay.  All Rotarians expected to buy (and resell if they want) at least 12 tickets. It will be Sunday, July 24, 2016 from 1-5pm at Depot Market Square.  Tickets available HERE http://www.eventbrite.com/e/2016-brewers-by-the-bay-tickets-25394194720 (or see Jeff Clement or Lance Calloway). PLEASR SIGN UP FOR VOLUNTEER DUTIES, see Terry Brown! 
Rotario Dinner:  Sarah Rothenbuhler said Sunday Aug 7th will be our next fellowship dinner, hosted by Stew Ellison and Kathy Cheldelin: “Red Neck Party Barge Rotary Dinner” with cocktails and BBQ dinner from the big green egg, and evening lake cruise, swimming encouraged, 1807 North Shore Drive, space for 12 guest RSVP Stew at 303-0754 or stewellison@comcast.net
BBRC Member of the Month award given to Carlye Gillespie!
Business Bucket with Pete Wolkin with a plea for summer jobs for his girlfriend’s daughter: she is 16, has a car, is a reliable worker, any offers will be considered!
And Karen Burke with a plug for DVSAS's upcoming charity golf tournament “Tournament of Hope" @ the BGCC on Sept 8th 11am - 6pm. Call Karen or DVSAS if interested to play or to be a sponsor!
Bucks in the Bay
  • Brad Cornwell’s daughter valedictorian from Bham HS! Attending University Colorado in Boulder ;
  • Paul Twedt with 25th wedding anniversary, and shared his secrets to a happy marriage;
  • Jim Haupt with missed meetings while on a wonderful sailing adventure in the Gulf Islands;
  • Bill Geyer with update on court case in SeaTac;
  • Frank Chmelik was in Ireland golfing with wife and son;
  • Carley and husband went to District 5050 Installation party last weekend;
  • Curtis Dye went on camping trip;
  • Mimi Ferlin grandson joined Sea Cadets basic training, learning all kinds of skills, even rescued a drowning boy!
  • Bryant Engebretson went to wedding in PA (saw some Amish culture there), heading to Mediterranean Coast soon;
  • Bill Gorman had his rented RV repaired after collision, then a visit to Ketchum ID, inspiring words about the power of Rotary;
  • Michael Tilley son was in Honduras with the YES group, now he is back, he had a great experience;
  • Sarah Rothenbuhler good to be back at Rotary;
Sergeant at Arms by Tim Krell
Misc. fines, Patrick Drum, Stan Dyer, Stowe, Tony, Brad, Pete & Pete, all male tables, then Tour de France trivia.
Jack Lamb “CEO” and owner of Aslan Brewery. Jack who is 27, came to Bellingham from Seattle five years ago because of a girl (now fiancée). Jacked talked about the trials and struggles of starting a brewery from scratch. Now a real community hub, with good food and plenty of options besides beer.  They now have about 70 employees, 20 of which have full benefits.  Jack has enjoyed meeting the leaders in the community and growing as a person because of the job.  And he has grown to love Bellingham community and its environs.  Besides the product being a certified organic product, Aslan as a company has become a Certified B Corporation. Jack is committed to supporting local charities and non-profit organizations.  Production 5,000 barrels of beer this year, next year will double.  He stressed the importance of the local brewers working together to enhance Bellingham’s growing reputation as the beer capital of the northwest!
Respectfully submitted, 
Stowe Talbot