2021-22 Slate of Officer: 
Per the BBRC bylaws (Article 3, Section 1), the following slate of officers is being shared with the membership. Additional nominations to this slate will be accepted until February 15, 5:00 pmA separate email ballot will be sent out after Feb. 15 with the finalized slate. Watch your emails.
Past President
Mike Bates
Lance Calloway
President Elect
Lesa Ferguson
VP/Program Chair
Tim Krell 
Carlye Gillespie
Inga Drechsel
Director (year 2 of 2)
Tony Freeland
Director (year 2 of 2)
Erika Buse
Director (year 2 of 2)
Sean Stimac
Director (year 1 of 2)
Mark Turner
Director (year 1 of 2)
John Bosch
Service Above Self: Volunteers for COVID vaccinations  
As we have mentioned previously we have been asked as Rotarians to make ourselves available on a volunteer basis to help out with vaccinations within the community. Turns out that a collaborative effort on the part of many of the healthcare providers and the Whatcom County Health Department will be putting on large scale vaccination clinics in the future. All volunteers must register in order to be covered for liability.  Please consider signing up in order to be of service to your community.
Here are directions for navigating to the sign-up pages:
1. Click on the following link: whatcomcovid.com
2. In blue horizontal navigation bar at top of page, click on "volunteer."
3. Under Emma Clark's video, you will find  (a) information about current volunteer opportunities, (b) a link to a sign up form for general volunteers, (c) a link to a sign up form for medial licensed personnel volunteers, (d) a link to a sign up for for case contract tracing investigators.