Fellow Rotarians,
Our next year together has begun!
Looking forward to our first meeting of the year on July 9th.
Our serious business topic will be voting on our FY24-25 budget as presented last month. Our less serious topic will be consoling Debbie and all those who are missing JV and Verna. JV is home already. You are welcome to attend Verna's sendoff on Tuesday, July 9th at 10:45 am at the Four Points by Sheraton Hotel lobby entrance before she boards the Airporte shuttle.
Thank you all very much for attending the Changing of the Guard! Especially, you Chuck and Elsie. We saw you playing Romeo and Juliet on the balcony! It was so great to have so many members attend, meet some partners and kids, and catch up with members who can't make it to lunch very often.
For those who weren't there, let me announce our current club leadership team.
2024-25 Board
Past President – Tim Krell
President - John Purdie
President-Elect - vacant
Vice President - vacant
Treasurer – Guy Occhiogrosso
Secretary - Tony Freeland
Director - Carlye Gillespie (year 2 of 2)
Director - Janet Sheperd (year 1 of 2)
Director - Steve White (year 1 of 2)
Director - Tor Benson (year 1 of 2)
Director - Vacant
The Board will consider proposing a change to our Bylaws reducing the number of required directors, since 11 board positions for a club of 50+ people seems a bit more than is needed. The search for our next two presidents is ongoing.
Other leaders identified so far include:
Club Web Master: Tresha Dutton
Computer Support: Jeff Clement
Program cmte: John Bosche (Chair), Erika Buse
Membership cmte: Curtis Dye (Chair), Janet Sheperd, Tonja Myers
Youth Service cmte: John Steach (Chair), Mark Turner
Youth Exchange cmte: Debbie Keene (Chair), John Bosche, Carlye Gillespie, Lance Calloway
Small Grants cmte: Mark Turner (Chair) and many others I didn't write down
The search continues for ...
Invocation/Rotary Reflection & Flag Salute coordinator:
International Service cmte chair:
Grapes and Gourmet planning committee: a few people have expressed interest in serving on it, but that's as far as I've gotten so far.
I had a couple different lists going, so I apologize if I missed anyone or any group. Please remind me!
In fellowship,