Club Information
Tuesdays at 12:00 PM
Bellingham Golf & Country Club
3729 Meridian Street
Bellingham , WA 98225
United States of America
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Good morning Rotarians!
Please see below for news of the club:
President's Message
Fellow Rotarians,
Highlights from our last meeting:
We discussed the budget and began setting some goals for the coming year, such as having one social activity every month. President Purdie challenged every club member to attend just 2 social events a year. Tim Krell offered to organize a beer cruise in July (details below). John Steach offered to host a Tiki Party in Aug (details to come). Purdie asked for someone to coordinate socials this year and Janet Shepard said yes! Please contact if you want to organize a Rotario dinner or other type of social for Sept. onward.
Beer Cruise Details: Wednesday, July 31st. Leaves Fairhaven Ferry Terminal at 6:30pm. $44.00 per person. Email by this Tuesday to reserve your spot!
Our goal for club meetings this year is 2 speakers a month, 1 club member talk a month, and 1 club business/potpourri topic. Please send your suggestions for speakers/topics to and
Mark pointed out our club's expenses would be lowered if more of us used checks or cash rather than credit cards. Steach asked if we could buy lunches in bulk; Guy will develop a system for that.
Bob Moles moved passage of the budget as presented, Mike Bates 2nd, vote to approve was unanimous. No abstentions. The budget factors in the Board's decision to increase member dues to $400 per year, which are still the lowest in the county. 
Debbie gathered us for a photo waving goodbye to our International Exchange Student, Verna, and presented us with a flag.
Bucks in the Bay. The longest contribution was a grandfather's fond retelling of a hiking trip with the grandkids. Followed by the briefest; Tony told us he'd been in Japan for two weeks, while he jumped up to the bucket and right back to his seat. 
Thank you everyone for a great first meeting of my term. Looking forward to seeing you Tuesday!
In fellowship,
Hybrid Zoom Meeting - Optional
Thank you to those who have joined us virtually for meetings!
Zoom sign in information is below, we look forward to seeing you!
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