Sounding (5/9/17)
Flag Salute & Invocation by Jim Logghe
Visiting Rotarians: None
Guests: Ian Johnson, Catering specialist at Hilltop and manager of Windows on the Bay
Steve Kimberly with reminder the annual BBRC International Committee fundraiser dinner at Ciao Thyme will be Thursday night, 6pm June 1st, cost $190/person, half of which is tax deductible donation to the committee. Sign up closes May 24th. Please sign up!
Debbie Kiene (accepting donations through today) with a call out for donations of toiletries and other small gifts for Interact Club’s annual Mothers’ Day project. - See more at:
Next board meeting is Thursday, May 18th (not 11th!) at 4:30 at Anthony's Hearthfire.
Aaron reminded everyone that Thursday, May 23rd the program will be brief presentations by all the community charitable giving recipients.
Dannon announced the BBRC slate of officers 2017-18 one last time:
President: Cutis Dye
President Elect: Tresha Dutton
VP/Program Chair: Brad Conrwell
Past President: Dannon Traxler
Treasurer: Mike Werner
Secretary: Andy Clay
Directors: Flo Simon, Glen Groenig, Jim Logghe
Directors (fininsh their terms): Mike Bates, Jeff Clement
No additional nominations were made. President Dannon called for a vote. The membership unanimously voted in the 2017-18 officers.
Business Bucket: Tonja Myers doing Godspell in Lynden & boyfriend's upcoming Fishboy art show Saturday (may 13th) from 2-9. Andy Clay, filling in for Glen, told a joke withough a punch line...... (you get this if you were at the meeting!).
Bucks in the Bay
- Dannon for trip to Harrison Hotspring with her twins.
- Carly Gillespie & Bill Gorman on their wonderful experience at the district conference.
- Andy Clay on finishing her EMT training class
- Curtis Dye on romantic dinner with his wife at the Pink Door in Seattle (while at the district conference).
- Karen Burke on the beautiful view she gets to wake up to every morning in her new house!
- Eddi Hansen for 22 yers since he took his chiropratic licensing exam.
- Steve White for missed meetings as a snowbird, and a 22 hour car drive home with 3 dogs. Also a new grandaughter born on cinco de mayo.
- Jim Logghe for 2 weeks in Maui
- Debbie Kiene for her upcoming vacation with her husband and for her son's DIY project
- Aaron Lemperes for finishing a half marathon, travel plans this summer with his family in their new RV trailer, and daughter's fractured arm.
Sergeant at Arms by Flo
Fines for various misdemeanors, including Steve White's ironic last name given the tan he's sporting!
Derek Long, Executive Director of Sustainable Connections gave the club an overview of the organization's areas of focus and successes over the past few years. Encouraged the members to have their business assessed by Sustainable Connections to help save on lighting/heating costs. Also discussed the new App they will use for the Buy Local coupon book. Derek will forward a code we can use to try the Chinook Book Mobile App for a 30-day free trial.
Respectfully submitted,
Tresha Dutton