Soundings (1/12/16)
Posted by G. Stowe Talbot
on Jan 12, 2016
Flag Salute & Invocation by Steve Swan
Visiting Rotarians: None
Guests: Andy Anderson, Levi Stewart (newest Bells employee), DeLynn Mckenzie (psychotherepist), Katie Rosa (Michael’s wife) and Ryan Martin (RE agent).
The nominating committee (Bill, Bob and Dannon) presents the slate of officers/director nominations:
- President Elect: Curtis Dye
- Secretary: Stowe Talbot
- Treasurer: Mike Werner
- Vice President / Program Chair: Trisha Dutton
- Director for new 2-year term: Jill Reid
- Director for new 2-year term: Debbie Kiene
- Director for new 2-year term: Mike Bates
Positions already elected and continuing:
- President: Dannon Traxler
- Past President: Bill Geyer
- Director: Mike Hammes
- Director: Flo Simon
Curtis asked the floor of there were any other nominations, and there were none.
Two new applications for membership: Sven Gilkey (Boy Scouts of America, sponsored by Stan Dyer) and Guy Occhiogrosso (Bellingham Chamber of Commerce, sponsored by Bill Gorman). If any comments or concerns please see President Bill or Membership Committee members Bob Becker or Harold Scott.
Past Presidents Meeting tomorrow night 6pm at Orphalee’s house (Ridgeway Drive)
John Sleeth said RYLA is now collecting nominations for this year's retreat (site will be on MB Hwy like last year) May 12-15, 2016 see LINK or ask Nick Caples / John Sleeth.
BBRC board meeting THIS week Jan 14 Thursday 4:30 pm at Barkley conf. Bldg. everyone welcome, it counts as a make-up.
Business bucket (by Glen Groenig): Mark Turner stepped up to say during January he offers business “head shots” at studio or at your place of work and only $99!
Bucks in the Bay
- Curtis had a great time at Gio’s game (rout of BHS), see photos at this LINK;
- Glen Groenig thanked all of us at Rotary for friendship and inspiration in 2015!
- Eddie appreciated how well Gio is getting along, what a great kid;
- Andy Clay for a birthday, happy bucks to Bill;
- Jim Logghe in honor of NFL kickers;
- Mark Turner spent couple nights at St. Joseph Hospital for a medical procedure, asked us to think about those hospital patients who are homeless (like his roommate there);
- Scot Swanson thanks RMC for a great company party at Delft Square in Lynden last weekend!
- Dannon Traxler excited and nervous about her upcoming Rotary presidency year!
Sergeant at Arms by Flo
Fines for herself and Glen.
New Member talks
Addie Brown grew up in Seattle and attended WSU, majoring in general business. After graduation in 1975 she worked at Frederick & Nelson, then SAFECO. Later at Chicago Title she moved to Bellingham in 1992 to open up an office here. A title company makes sure that the title to a piece of real estate is legitimate and then issues title insurance for that property. Title insurance protects the lender and/or owner against lawsuits or claims against the property that result from disputes over the title. Title insurance is only paid once for problems that may arise in the future. At Chicago Title, 12% of revenue earned is retained for claims. It's a tough business and cyclical. The business model is changing, centralizing a lot more, and more government regulation / compliance. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (part of Dodd-Frank Act). Addie enjoys being a part of the Rotary family.
Michael Reams is from Toledo Ohio, with a family there that goes back four generations. He attended University of Colorado Boulder, where he met his future wife Katie. He loved skiing and competing on the sailing team there. Katie is now getting her masters at WWU in geology. They love to travel, and his sister lives on Easter Island. Rotary has been part of his family for generations; importance of service and giving back to community. Michael is a commercial RE broker Windermere who works with Ryan Martin and KC Coombs. He is working on his certificate from CCIM Institute.
Respectfully submitted,
Stowe Talbot