Posted by G. Stowe Talbot on Nov 26, 2019
Flag Salute & Invocation by Martin Meade
Visiting Rotarians: None
Guests: Christine’s daughter
Announcements by President Brad
Brent Walker said BBRC Foundation is now at $503K! Encourages all of us to use Amazon Smile to designate BBRC Foundation as the contribution of choice.
We are considering chartering one of the local scout troops;
Rotary Youth exchange information. Felicity Dye is heading the exchange program for 2020 and will need some members of BBRC to be available as exchange student liaisons in the coming year;
Thoughts for Jeff Hill who is undergoing medical treatment;
Bucks in the Bay
  • Brad Cornwell happy the kids are in town;
  • Bob Moles ran into Dave Harding recently, also recommends the June 2020 RI convention in Honolulu - register soon for the best lodging choices!
  • John Purdie grateful for the $1M grant for the MBT and another Murdoch Trust grant;
  • Mark Turner Thanksgiving with the grandkids, grateful;
  • Bill Geyer with some Ohio State / Michigan thoughts;
  • Tim Krell for something;
  • Eddie Docks update;
  • Stowe birthday bucks;
  • Donna with Food Bank $.
Sergeant at Arms by Tony Freeland 
Fines for misc. sins,
Lance introduced Cathy MacKay, a delivery nurse at St. Joseph Hospital.  During her 30+ years at the hospital, Cathy developed a fondness for hispanic culture, and a desire to learn Spanish.  In 2010 she  joined a ten-day PeaceHealth medical mission to El Salvador.  After the trip ended, she stayed on in El Salvador for an additional three months on the isolated Salvadoran island community of La Colorada with its 400 inhabitants who spoke no English. 
During her stay there she donated a used sewing machine to the community.  Cathy noticed a handbag that her homestay sister used, noticed hand woven hammock fabrics in the community, and saw that there was minimal opportunity for earning income.  The seed was planted - to teach how to sew this handbag and perhaps start a cottage industry.
Cathy originally taught four women to sew, then introduced them to an NGO called CIS in San Salvador that helped women in rural communities develop small businesses.  Over time, CIS embraced the seamstresses and has been instrumental in their education and development.
In the intervening ten years, Cathy has returned to La Colorada numerous times, providing supplies, sewing machines, inspiration, and ongoing training.  Two years ago she taught a second group of 10 youth how to create high quality beaded barrettes, bracelets, earrings, and more.  Cathy describes the project as a win-win for herself as well as the community.  
Cathy shared photos and stories of this wonderful little community and its struggles, and how these cottage businesses have brought opportunities to La Colorada. Cathy also presented a selection of products made by these groups for sale. 100% of what you pay goes directly to the artisans and their projects. 
Some of the crafts are sold through To find out more, just google “Pearls of the Sea Youth Group” and “Women Leaders of La Colorada”.  How can we help?  She is seeking to coordinate with a business here in the US to sell the bags in a store.  Donations are also welcome. Another need there is for a community center building… or an addition to the sewing building.  Cathy can be reached at
Raffle won by Jeff Clement.
Respectfully submitted,
Stowe Talbot