Soundings (11/29/16)
Posted by G. Stowe Talbot on Nov 29, 2016
Flag Salute & Invocation by Allen Stockbridge
Visiting Rotarians: None
Guests: Sean Stimac (Project Manager at Exxel Pacific)
Dannon related more from the history of the club during1992-93.
Dannon talked about the recent strategic planning meeting.
Curtis Dye said G&G income is estimated to be about $48K!
December 20th BBRC Tuesday lunch will be holiday celebration, please bring your family! NO MEETING DEC 27th!
First Thursday Happy Hour December 1, 4:30pm at the Lighthouse Grill (Hotel Bellwether)
Third Thursday BBRC Networking Lunch December 15, noon Anthony's Hearthfire.
Business Bucket anecdote by Glen.
Bucks in the Bay
- Dannon on Orcas for T-Day, fried turkey wonderful time;
- Bill Gorman happy cooked turkey and goose with son, and some Rotary news;
- Eddie great Thanksgiving, and epic skiing at Whistler;
- Tresha was in Walla Walla and fun weekend;
- Allen Stockbridge upcoming performances of the Bellingham Chamber Choral:
Saturday 12/3, 3pm and 7:30pm @ First Congregational Church, 2401 Cornwall Ave.Sunday 12/4, 3pm @ Mt. Baker Theatre;
- see John Sleeth for news on available school/college scholarships;
- Mark Turner recently lost a photographer friend/teacher in a car crash, also news he will soon be grandparent;
- Brad Cornwell with football ambivalence;
- Karen Burke with news about DVSAS Baker House progress - it's already framed!
- Tonja Myers performance on Sunday singing at MBT with Whatcom Chorale, daughter performance at BAAY this weekend, and in memorial for three friends who passed away recently;
- Debbie Kiene happy bucks fun Thanksgiving, building gingerbread houses;
Sergeant at Arms by Flo
Fines for various misdemeanors,
Club Report
Bill Gorman talked about the Rotary International Foundation. This year is the 100th anniversary its formation. . The mission of The Rotary Foundation is to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty. The Rotary Foundation helps fund our humanitarian activities, from local service projects to global initiatives. This year the Foundation is trying to reach a goal of $300 million.
The Foundation is made up of three major funds:
- Annual
- Polio Plus
- Endowment
The Foundation’s Centennial will be celebrated at the “Million Dollar Dinner” which will take place January 9th in Tsawwassen. Keynote speaker is RI President John Germ. The Million Dollar Dinner is a celebration and recognition of Rotarians and friends of Rotary who have made new contributions of US$10,000 or made a new bequest of US$10,000 to The Rotary Foundation. Watch this space and the District website for details. - See more at:
Club subcommittees gathered for discussion and organization.
Respectfully submitted,
Stowe Talbot
Scotty wins the raffle.