Flag Salute & Invocation by Christine Palmerton
Visiting Rotarians: None
Guests:  Jim Logghe (Banner Bank), Sven Gilkey (BSA Mt. Baker Council)
G&G update by (and special thanks to) Bryant and Curtis:  Very successful event and many people really helped out.  Any suggestions for improvements please Email Curtis or Bryant.
New Paul Harris fellow:  Bill Geyer awarded Gordon Plume with his THIRD Paul Harris!
Next board meeting Thursday Nov. 12th, 4:30pm at Talbot/Barkley office (2200 Rimland, Suite 250), everyone is invited.
Business Bucket:  $20 from Bryant Engebretson talked about his daughters fundraiser project (Nepal building chicken coops).  Limoncello-making party.  see him if you interested in donating.
New Member Application:  Jim Logghe, former BBRC member, and loan officer with Banner Bank, has been approved by the membership committee and the board.  Membership can comment on this pending application by contacting Bill Geyer or Bob Becker.
Bucks in the Bay
  • Curtis asked someone to help get the stranded handtruck left up at silver reef from sunday;
  • Bob Moles remarked on watching an interview with the new speaker of House Paul Ryan, and he had commented on the importance of work being done in committees - just like Rotary!
  • Christine Palmerton reported on her recent trademark victory over Nautica brand!
  • Phil X Hageman reported that his former colleague and the founder of Pearson Construction, Roy Pearson, passed away recently;
  • Tim Krell missed G&G while in Las Vegas, dressed up as Austin Powers there for Halloween!
  • Stew Ellison for a birthday and for G&G;
  • Dannon $100 for Bryant and Curtis' hard work making G&G such a success, and she is looking forward to an upcoming solo road trip to Northern CA;
  • Bob Becker reports on AZ football game;
  • Mark Turner happy bucks for successful family portrait (with two-year old on the lake!);
  • Stan Dyer $100, that’s all he can do for now: Carrie just bought a new car so he is feeling a bit broke!
Sergeant at Arms by Flo
Fines for Tyler, Curtis, Christine.
New Member Talks
Carlye Gillespie is an accountant with Archer Halliday.  She has been married 11 years, has a dog, grew up in Bothell / Everett, studied at WWU (BA and CPA) and then went straight to work at Archer Halliday, where she has done extensive work in fraud examinations and fraud prevention. She is also the firm's lead pension auditor and advisor.  Recently her parents moved up to Bellingham wher eher inlaws live too.  She and her husband got married on a cruise ship in Hawaii.  She related a couple stories about snorkeling and traveling, first in Hawaii, and then another time snorkeling and shopping in Mexico that was little scarier.  Carlye enjoys being a member of our club!
Michael Tilley born and raised Missouri.  Attended SE Missouri and then Ohio State for graduate studies in biology. After his studies, he did research (on causes of addiction, among other subjects), and then taught biology and genetics for a while.  About that time he decided to move out west to Bellingham because some of his family was already here. He veered away from academia and bought two local businesses:  PakMail and Minuteman Press.  Hi hobbies include hunting, fishing, and basketball.  Married hi wife in 1994, who is from Malaysia she now works at WWU helping manage the residential halls. They have two teenage kids, a boy and a girl.  He enjoys being a member of our club.
Bob Tull wins the raffle!
Respectfully submitted, 
Stowe Talbot