Flag Salute & Invocation by Tresha Dutton
Visiting Rotarians: Ray Wilson (Las Vegas One RC)
Guests: Sean Cool, Donna Gibbs (WWU), Krista (Tradewinds / almost honorary BBRC’er)
This Day in History by Brad.
Tresha on the draft BBRC Committee list, please review and make sure your name is on the right committees.
Bryant on G&G, tickets sales similar to last year, but wine sales up about 50%.
November BBRC board meeting 11/9th 4:30pm at Bryant’s office 2211 Rimland Drive #401, everyone is welcome.
Bucks in the Bay
- Tim Krell’s daughter (captain of high school soccer team) recently scored a 3-goal “hat trick” on her way to the State Tourney next week;
- Harte Bressler and wife signed up to trek to Mount Everett base camp.
- Jim Logghe’s wife is in LA buying materials for skating costumes, and while she is there she got tickets to participate in the show The Price is Right;
- Carlye with $ for the Turkey Drive;
- Chuck Walter happy football bucks Iowa Hawkeyes over the Ohio Buckeyes;
- Stew Ellison $160 to Foundation for a trip to MX and a birthday;
- Bryant on G&G;
- John Sleeth $ for turkeys;
- Christine missed meetings, enjoyed G&G, was at Fort Lauderdale Boat Show, and an update on the Nautica trademark saga;
- Ray Wilson with a plug for her consulting firm, which trains people for better performance in high stress jobs.
Sergeant at Arms by Flo
Fines for various misdemeanors.
Brad Cornwell welcomed Sarah Kate Kunkel, a current WCC student who will be transferring to WWU next year to finish her undergrad degree. She grew up in Chelan, WA. Sarah talked about her recent two-year “Gap Year” after high school that she spent traveling, mostly in the Balkin countries of Eastern Europe. Early in her trip, she met some American volunteers who were working at refugee camps serving Syrian/Iraqi/Afgan migrants on their way to Europe. This inspired her to get involved and so she ended up spending the better part of a year volunteering there as well, witnessing this vast humanitarian crisis. Specifically, she spent several months at the infamous Camp Edomeni (http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-36358891) on the Northern Greek border with Macedonia. She talked about the enormous need for both “material aid” (food & cooking supplies, tents & blankets, clothes & shoes) as well as emotional aid for these displaced people.
If you are interested in seeing more images from Sarah’s adventure in the Balkins, the BellinghamAlternative Library (http://altlib.org) will be hosting a photo show exhibit from Sarah’s trip - the opening reception will be Saturday November 25th 8-11pm.
Interested to help or learn more? Here are some other resources:
Doctors without Borders www.msf.org
International Rescue Committee www.rescue.org
Filoxenia http://filoxenia-intl.org
Good source of current ongoing information about the crisis available at Are You Syrious? (a daily news digest from the field, mainly for volunteers and refugees on the route, but also for journalists and other parties): https://www.medium.com/@AreyouSyrious
Rod Bring wins raffle.
Respectfully submitted,
Stowe Talbot