Invocation and Flag Salute
Justin Kulhanek
Eric Hamstrom, Engineer from Design Group
March 31 – Inn at Lynden Interclub Social
May 7-10 – RYLA applications
Visiting Rotarians
Debbie Van Steenwyk
Election of Officers
Student of the Month
Thomas Ross, Squalicum High School ASB
President, Environmental Club, Lemon Club President
Bucks in the Bay
Brad Cornwell – for Board Members
Lance Calloway – For trip to Nashville
Mark Turner – for Oregon retreat
Debbie Kiene – for trip to optometrist
Curtis Smith – for aneurism and glad to see everyone
Martin Meade – for vertigo
Curtis Dye – for trip to Palm Springs
Charitable Giving
$15,000 to be distributed to 11 organizations on March 17
Sergeant of Arms
Curtis Dye – misc. fines
Janelle Bruland, Author of The Success Lie, high profile life coach, legacy leader, owner of Management Services Northwest.
“Living Best Life” “Live Intentionally”.
Areas of Life
  1. Physical Health
  2. Mental
  3. Spiritual
  4. Family and Friends
  5. Career
  6. Financial
  7. Fun
Respectfully submitted,
Tony Freeland