Soundings (3/14/17)
Posted by G. Stowe Talbot on Mar 14, 2017
Flag Salute & Invocation by Stew Ellison.
Visiting Rotarians: Brian Griffin
Guests: None
Dannon read some more from our club’s history 2003-4, including the Centennial Project (100 years of Rotary).
Fellowship evening: Ladies of Laughter at MBT has 25 of us signed up, including dinner at Bellwether.
Mike Bates says RYLA registration is now open (youth ages 18-25 years old, RYLA will take place May 25-28 this year) - we are looking for a couple candidates to sponsor!
April 11th our meeting will be at WCC! More news later.
Third Thursday Lunch THIS WEEK at noon at Hearthfire.
Business Promo Bucket
Bill Gorman is available for PR and publicity work (
John Templeton with another anecdote!
Bucks in the Bay
- Dannon with some car license tag issues;
- Bob Moles soon to go on a fly fishing trip to Christmas Island!
- Curtis Dye went to the midwest, visited mom and aunt who are both near 100;
- Scott Walker with some birthday bucks, and proud bucks for his children;
- Bill Gorman ending term as asst DG, starting term as PR for the District, attended seminar on social media;
- Mark Turner headed off to photograph CA;
- John Purdie went to Salt Lake City saw daughters and the musical “Chess”;
Sergeant at Arms by Flo
Fines for misc. misdeeds and St Patrick’s Day trivia.
Dannon introduced our speaker, Brian Griffin, who talked about the history of Fairhaven. Brian is lifelong Bellinghamster, former insurance agency owner, an amateur luthier of ukuleles, author of seven books the most recent of which is called “Fairhaven, a History”. Brian started by talking about the geography and topography of the neighborhood which was formed some 6,000 years ago by a glacier during the most recent ice age, which gouged out Fairhaven harbor. Some early building occurred as a result of the hope that Fairhaven Harbor would be chosen as the terminus site of the trans Cascades railroad in about 1890. Early developers included Dirty Dan Harris, Nelson Bennett, Charles Larrebee, Henry Bateman, Bloedel, and perhaps the most influential and important, JJ Donovan.
Scott Walker takes the raffle winnings.
Respectfully submitted,
Stowe Talbot