Posted by G. Stowe Talbot on Jun 18, 2019
Flag Salute & Invocation by Martin Mead
Visiting Rotarians: None
Guests: Lisa Cornwell, Christine’s grandson Austin
Annual club party / Changing of the Guard:
When:  June 26th (Wednesday) 4:30-8:00
Where:  Karen & Paula’s farm on Mt. Baker Highway  
Menu:  Ribs & Salmon + cornbread by Flo!  BYOB and a side to share!
Cost:  $20.00 per adult (kids under 12 eat free!!)
Who:  Family-friendly celebration--spouses, significant others, friends, kids…all welcome!!    
RSVP to Tresha ( by June 17: Name, # Adults, # Kids under 12 
Discussion of a member Northwood Hall facilities fee continues.
Rotary dues payment update from Jeff Clement: We will have two options for us to pay Rotary dues going forward; either:
1) two $150 payments per year, as we have done previously; or
2) automatic monthly withdrawal payments using your credit card number.
Stay tuned for details.
Bucks in the Bay 
  • Steve White Alaska fishing brought home a lot of halibut;
  • Martin Mead $ to Docks, moving his business into a new larger facility;
  • Eddie kudos to everyone for Brewers, just opened his seventh facility in Vancouver WA, kudos to Jeff Clement for his excellent IT work, next week will be on vacation with Rhonda and the kids, the “memo of understanding” with City is almost ready!
  • Chris Vasquez is no longer a new member!
  • Brad Cornwell said Brewers committee will be meeting to recap and make the event even better next year;
  • Tim Krell graduation parties, his dad’s house sold, and a friend is biking across country!
Sergeant at Arms by Mark Turner 
Fines for misc. transgressions.
New Member Talk by Jeff Hill.  Born in Poipu, Kauai. In elementary school family moved to Deming, and later he attended Mount Baker HS. After HS, he worked in retail at Bellis Fair (the Buckle), store manager, then moved to MO and then back to Bellingham. Worked at Ryzex, where he met wife Meagan, been together since 2010. Jeff went back to school, but that was interrupted by birth of kids. Two kids now daughter Harper, and boy Harrison is an 18-month old!  His kids keep him young.  Works now at Oasys Inc. which offers print management services and copier sales.  Lastly showed a funny promo video that he helped create about Docks for Kids.
Brad Cornwell gave a slide presentation of his trip to the Rotary International convention in Hamburg Germany.   In the Middle Ages it was the center of the Hansiatic League (a commercial and defensive confederation of merchant guilds and market towns in Northern Europe). Now it is the second biggest German city, and third biggest port in Europe.  The city feels very modern and wealthy.  Hamburg really went all out for the convention and celebrating Rotary.  Wonderful river frontage and bridges connecting neighborhoods next to the Elba River.
Rotary wants to do big projects and to partner with other organizations.  They want more metrics that demonstrate impact and reach.
Rotary committed to growth. And open to flexibility in how clubs are run.
Rotaract is now are considered a full part of the Rotary community, and RI wants to grow Rotaract.
Some synergies with Toastmasters organization.
Enhancing participant engagement, and adaptation of the RI management structure.
Next year RI conference will be in Honolulu, HI.
Respectfully submitted,
Stowe Talbot