Soundings (3/8/16)
Posted by G. Stowe Talbot
on Mar 08, 2016
Flag Salute & Invocation by Stan Dyer
Visiting Rotarians: None
Guests: Andy Anderson, Kris Palmerton, Patrick Drum (Saturna Capital)
Stan Dyer and Bill Gorman were each recognized by Bill Geyer for the number of members they have sponsored over the years.
This year’s District 5050 Conference will be held at Semiahmoo Resort, April 28 - May 1:
BBRC board meeting THIS Thursday, 4pm at Talbot/Barkley office 2200 Rimland Drive. The main topic will be selecting our next major donation project. Board members are open to all.
2017 will mark 100 years of Rotary in Whatcom County. Chuck Snyder initiated the idea of all clubs coming up with ideas to recognize this big anniversary. Stay tuned.
Membership needs more new member applications!
Next week vocational service will be the program.
Our club secretary, Stowe Talbot, will be rotating off his position in July; if you have any interest in this position, please see Bill or Stowe!
Business Bucket: Bill Gorman announced an upcoming Rotary Assembly with the topic “Generation Gap 2.0” about how to understand and communicate with the millennial generation:
Bucks in the Bay
- John Templeton was at Jim Haupt’s beautiful wedding;
- Dannon getting thru cold & flu season, also had a great time at PETS - learned so much;
- Dick Stark State basketball tournament last week;
- Debbie Kiene missed meetings, 60th birthday, went to Maui with sons and their families via a not-so-direct flight from Bellingham;
- Jane Carten son’s 8th birthday!
- Mark Turner missed meetings and won some awards!
- Christine Palmerston Debbie lions great, International Womens' Day, enjoyed Past Presidents meeting, make time outside of Rotary to learn more about other Rotarians, then happy hour with Dannon and Tresha;
Sergeant at Arms by Bryant Engebretson
Fines for Stowe, financial planners, Anna, Jeff Clement, and just about everyone else.
Orphalee introduced Robin Robertson, co-owner of Bellingham Tennis and Fitness and author of the new book “Healthy Knees Cycling”. She is also a specialist in “functional aging”. Robin always had bad knees, with surgery at age 13 and then again at age 20. She was forced to move away from competitive running and started cycling and swimming instead, which exercised the muscles without the high impact that causes damage.
Exercise after age 45 will save you money, improve your brain, reduce risk for disease, helps you keep your freedom. Strength, cardio and nutrition are the three most important elements to health. Robin had us do some easy desk-side exercises that we can do throughout the day. Robin explained how she published her book and sold it through Amazon.
Respectfully submitted,
Stowe Talbot