Posted by G. Stowe Talbot on May 15, 2018
Flag Salute & Invocation by John Purdie
Visiting Rotarians: None
Guests: None
New Member Application:  The membership committee and board have approved the application of Erika Buse, a real estate broker with Coldwell Banker Bain. She is sponsored by Tonja Myers. Please address and concerns or questions to Scotty or President Curtis.
Squalicum Interact club update from Gabe: Mothers Day gift bag program went well, thank you to all who contributed!  
Brewers by the Bay will be Sunday, July 29th. 
Changing of the Guard Party planned for the evening of Tuesday July 10th, 4-8pm at Stew Ellison’s house.
Memorial Weekend opportunity:  Everyone welcome to join the All-Whatcom Rotary float at the Ski to Sea Parade on Saturday May 26th!
Business Bucket by Andy Clay.
Bucks in the Bay
  • Stan said the rumors of his demise were greatly exaggerated;
  • Curtis good weekend, incl. fun trip to Olympic Peninsula with a bunch of Rotary exchange students, plus lots of backyard chores;
  • Andy Clay memory for her Rotarian dad, also, National Nursing Home day!
  • John Templeton for Stan;
  • Bob Moles glad to nominate Jim Johnson for RI’s board combatting slavery (and he was accepted!), many missed meetings while off playing and enjoying retirement;
  • John Purdie news on MBT fundraising and event, and news on a relative;
  • Jim Johnson glad to be home, bought a house in FL for winters!
  • Brad Cornwell thanks to Jim Johnson for all his good work, and some words of thanks to his staff at work (RMC Architects) who make such a great team;
  • Karen Burke with horror story about her rental unit, also she will be attending a wedding in Thailand soon!
Sergeant at Arms by Eddie
Misc. fines!  
Brad Cornwell introduced Mary Loquvam and Maureen Goodwin who represent the York Neighborhood Community Farm. Launched in 2013 by a group of neighbors to address hunger and poverty, the farm is home to an orchard and focuses on raising winter crops such as dry beans, potatoes and winter squash. It also grows broccoli, cucumber, kale, Swiss chard and tomatoes. The farm is located in the York Neighborhood on vacant Department of Transportation property, adjacent to the I-5 concrete noise-barrier wall. The items grown on the site cannot by law be sold, so they are all donated.  The farm has an internship program that employs disabled veterans, recently incarcerated, disadvantaged youth and homeless - i.e people who are marginally employable and giving them skills at a living wage income. Grants pay for the work internships ($15/hour).
A recent Kickstarter campaign rises over $12K to install a small greenhouse on the site, and it will be arriving this week for installation.
How will they achieve financial sustainability?  An entrepreneurial solution:  Idea for an aquaponics project, which is aquaculture + hydroponics for a closed loop system to raise both fish and plants.  
The York Community Farm has a yearly budget is $67K, and the aquaponics project will cost additional $7K.  The aquaponics project was designed in partnership with Engineers Without Borders and WWU's Engineering Department.
Recent article about the farm:
Doug Wight wins the raffle!
Respectfully submitted,
Stowe Talbot