(abbreviated today because my computer ate most of my notes)
Flag salute & Invocation by Bill Geyer
Visiting Rotarians: None
Guests: Alison and Natalia (Tim Krell's young guests), Jill Reid, Tyler Byrd.
  • Crab Feed will by July 18 at Vartanyan Estate Winery located HERE.
  • The Brewers by the Bay event (Sunday July 28) needs all Rotarians to volunteer;
Sergeant at Arms by Chuck Luttrell
Chuck announced that the Sunrise Club will have an interesting program coming up this Thursday (7am at the BGCC): Ryan Stiles produced a documentary about a recent attempt at the motorcycle land speed record, he will show a trailer from the film and answer questions.
Fines for various topics.
Bucks in the Bay
New Member Talks by Mike Bates and Harte Bressler
Raffle won by Steve Swan
Respectfully submitted,
Stowe Talbot