Flag Salute & Invocation by Flo Simon
Visiting Rotarians: Debby Van Steinwick (San Luis Obispo)
Guests: Christine’s grandson Austin.
Annual club party / Changing of the Guard TOMORROW:
When: June 26th (Wednesday) 4:30-8:00
Where: Karen & Paula’s farm on Mt. Baker Highway
Menu: Ribs & Salmon + cornbread by Flo! BYOB and a side to share!
Cost: $20.00 per adult (kids under 12 eat free!)
Who: Family-friendly celebration--spouses, significant others, friends, kids…all welcome!
RSVP to Tresha (tdutton@whatcom.edu) by June 17: Name, # Adults, # Kids under 12
Next Tuesday NO MEETING 7/2!
Tim McEvoy has sadly resigned from the club.
Bucks in the Bay
- Tresha was in southern CA visiting relatives;
- Rod Bring was in Sunkadia, caught a rainbow trout;
- Lance Calloway will miss tomorrow, thanks Tresha!
- Mark Turner proud grandparent of an adopted puppy, also reminder this is Pride Month!
- John Purdie thanks Tresha!
- Tim Krell thanks Tresha, and also attended the Seattle Solstice Parade;
- Sean Cool’s son graduated from Ferndale HS, heading to University of Utah;
Sergeant at Armsby Tony Freeland
Fines for misc. transgressions. And today in history.
Mike Bates introduced our own Jim Johnson, who talked about Rotary’s anti-slavery initiatives. Jim said two years ago he was asked to lead the organization, Rotarian Action Group Against Slavery www.ragas.online/ anitislavery@activist.com. There are estimated 42 million slaves worldwide. About half is in forced manual labor, also sex slavery and forced marriage. Often children. There are a lot of good organizations working to end slavery, including The Mekong Club https://themekongclub.organd Engedi Refuge Ministries https://www.engedirefuge.com. He is hopeful that RI will make the battle to end slavery a core topic of their future efforts.
Thank you, Tresha, for a very successful Rotary year; your outstanding leadership is an inspiration to us all!
Respectfully submitted,
Stowe Talbot