Posted by G. Stowe Talbot on Jun 25, 2019
Flag Salute & Invocation by Flo Simon
Visiting Rotarians: Debby Van Steinwick (San Luis Obispo)
Guests: Christine’s grandson Austin.
Annual club party / Changing of the Guard TOMORROW:
When:  June 26th (Wednesday) 4:30-8:00
Where:  Karen & Paula’s farm on Mt. Baker Highway  
Menu:  Ribs & Salmon + cornbread by Flo!  BYOB and a side to share!
Cost:  $20.00 per adult (kids under 12 eat free!)
Who:  Family-friendly celebration--spouses, significant others, friends, kids…all welcome!
RSVP to Tresha ( by June 17: Name, # Adults, # Kids under 12 
Next Tuesday NO MEETING 7/2!
Tim McEvoy has sadly resigned from the club.
Bucks in the Bay 
  • Tresha was in southern CA visiting relatives;
  • Rod Bring was in Sunkadia, caught a rainbow trout;
  • Lance Calloway will miss tomorrow, thanks Tresha!
  • Mark Turner proud grandparent of an adopted puppy, also reminder this is Pride Month!
  • John Purdie thanks Tresha!
  • Tim Krell thanks Tresha, and also attended the Seattle Solstice Parade;
  • Sean Cool’s son graduated from Ferndale HS, heading to University of Utah;
Sergeant at Armsby Tony Freeland
Fines for misc. transgressions. And today in history.
Mike Bates introduced our own Jim Johnson, who talked about Rotary’s anti-slavery initiatives.  Jim said two years ago he was asked to lead the organization, Rotarian Action Group Against Slavery There are estimated 42 million slaves worldwide.  About half is in forced manual labor, also sex slavery and forced marriage.  Often children.  There are a lot of good organizations working to end slavery, including The Mekong Club https://themekongclub.organd  Engedi Refuge Ministries  He is hopeful that RI will make the battle to end slavery a core topic of their future efforts.
Thank you, Tresha, for a very successful Rotary year; your outstanding leadership is an inspiration to us all! 
Respectfully submitted,
Stowe Talbot