Flag Salute & Invocation by Molly Visser
Visiting Rotarians: None
Guests: Stan’s son Steven Dyer
Annual club party / Changing of the Guard was a successful, fun event, thanks to our host Karen Burke!
Auto payment for club dues is now available, see Jeff Clement for details if you want to choose this option.
Facilities fee payment options are being discussed.
Phil Unrein and Glendine Barley have resigned.
First check from BBRC Foundation will be presented to the Docks project.
Opportunity to meet RI President Mark Mallony on Aug 17th up in BC, details to follow.
BBRC Foundation meeting will be take place before the board meeting.
Christine said our BBRC merchandise has arrived!
Business Bucket by Dean Fulton
Bucks in the Bay
- Lance Calloway for US victory at Women's World Cup!
- Aaron Lemperes Whistler vacation;
- Stowe triathlon bragging bucks;
- John Purdie attended wedding;
- Brad Cornwell excited about the upcoming Rotary year, and friend turned 103!
- Inga went to Hawaii with the fam, also for Women's World Cup!
- Stan congratulated Stowe for his tenth place finish;
- Stew busy summer, fishing in AK!
- John Templeton enjoyed the fireworks at Birch Bay, and attended a niece’s wedding in Portland;
Sergeant at Arms by Mark Turner
Fines for misc. transgressions.
Lance introduced Stephanie Morrell, the GM of the Bellingham Bells, and also Austin Kretzschmar who is a Stanford student and an infielder with the Bells this year.
The Bells are Bellingham’s team in the summer collegiate baseball league (since 1999).
Not affiliated with a Major League, the Bells are owned by a Canadian businessman who lives just across the border. Players are college kids on summer break. Tickets $7.50 each so it is really affordable. Fans mostly come from Whatcom but also 10% from across the border! The West Coast League is WA/OR. Attendance averages 1500, for a total of over 300,000 attendees over past five years. In 2014 the Bells won the league title.
- Community - a gathering place for local residents;
- Players/staff a chance to chase their dreams and gain maturity and leadership skills;
- A platform for business to reach a wholesome audience.
The Bells try to keep the game experience as exciting as possible such as “Theme Nights” like $2 Tuesday, Family Fun Day on Sundays, Fireworks, giveaways, etc. The Bells give support to Camp Korey and the Bham Firefighters Benevolent Fund.
Host Families house all the athletes for the summer for free - lifetime connections formed. The Bells have a roster of about 30 players, a (seasonal) staff of 15, which goes down to three employees during the off season. Three sources of revenue: Tickets, food/bev and sponsorships.
Austin talked about being a student at Stanford, and what life is like in Bellingham playing for the Bells.
Respectfully submitted,
Stowe Talbot