Soundings (8/30/16)
Posted by G. Stowe Talbot on Aug 30, 2016
Flag Salute & Invocation by Mark Turner
Visiting Rotarians: None
Guests: John Purdie (Mt Baker Theatre),
Next Third Thursday Business Lunch will be Sept 15 at noon.
Recent passings: Glendale Barley’s daughter passed away recently, as well as Flo Simon’s father, and former Rotarian Bob Newell.
Eddie said our next fellowship event will be Bellingham Blazers hockey game planned for Oct 30th.
First Thursday Rotary Happy Hour at Hotel Bellwether, Sept 1 at 4:30pm.
Our next Fireside gathering will be Wednesday night Sept 7th 5:30pm at Anthony’s Hearthfire. Firesides are an opportunity for experienced Rotarians to talk more about Rotary and Rotary life in detail with new members. All members who have never attended a Fireside are highly encouraged (required!) to attend.
Fellowship event: Friday Sept 16th to see Capital Steps at MBT, with dinner before, please sign up, more details soon!
October 25th will be the next BBRC Strategic Retreat with Sue Sharpe.
Grape & Gourmet November 6 at Silver Reef: The organizing committee meets every Thursday 4pm at Bryant’s office (WINE WILL BE SERVED!) - 4th floor Dorothy Haggen Bldg in Barkley.
Business Bucks: Pete Wolkin announced family's company, Vacationland RV, will change name to Overland 4-wheel drive wheels and accessories.
Bucks in the Bay
- Brad Cornwell for missed meetings, gave kudos to Pete Wolkin, delivered second daughter to UofO, now an empty-nester. While in Portland, Brad attended funeral for one of his architect-mentors;
- Curtis Dye took Jonny to Rhode Island to college, visited the mansions in Newport, evening in Boston;
- Curtis Smith;
- Addie Brown with a wedding anniversary;
- Bryant Engebretson with plug for G&G;
- Andy Clay missed meetings!
- Brent Walker sends regards from past president Dale Eisinger;
- Bob Becker remembrance bucks for Bob Newell;
- Jim Logge travel;
- Karen Burke's son taking a motorcycle trip to the Canadian Far North, and Karen's partner unfortunately may be laid off soon from Redden Marine;
Committee meetings.
Respectfully submitted,
Stowe Talbot