Flag Salute and Invocation: Bob Moles with notes on diversity.
Visiting Rotarians: None
Guests: Student of the Month (see below)
- Tresha Dutton: Reminder to provide input regarding lunch attendance
- Jeff Clement – Brewers by the Bay reminder to sign up to volunteer (get friends and spouses); also ticket sales well above last year, going to be a big event; two great bands in lineup
- John Purdie – Student of the month is Ivon Sanchez-Pineda from Squalicum High School. She is the Rotary Scholarship recipient and also recipient of the Costco Diversity Scholarship; attending University of Washington in the fall and plans to study law advocacy/social work or teaching. She has been involved in the girls wrestling team, treble choir, elementary school volunteer and student teacher where she helped with bilingual learning; teen court. Rotary made a $100 donation to Blue Skies for Children Donation in Yvonne’s name.
Bucks in the Bay:
- Tresha Dutton – nice weekend, yard work and time in Fairhaven
- Tim Krell – Derek Hough show and Seattle Folk Life Festival; biking “race”
- Shannon Terrell and Mimi Ferlin- Brooks Manufacturing $25,000 donation to Docks for Kids
- Mimi – Thank you to Bob Moles/Green Acres for nice Memorial Day activities
- Andy Clay – Missed meeting/meals, husband’s 83rdbirthday; school in Kenya awarded most outstanding
- Curtis Dye – Happy bucks, parade in the rain, enjoyed the police tour, installed garden watering system
- John Templeton – camping by Keystone ferry; $20 donation for Docks
- Aaron Lemperes – General “hello” and hats off to the Docks effort
- Harte Bressler– missed meetings (in Nepal); sinus infection during trek to base camp; high altitude sickness; kudos to family for completing the full 110 miles
- Jim Johnson – Winter in Florida, headed to Rotary International Convention
- John Purdie – Theater getting $1M grant for preservation; daughter’s new boyfriend stopped by and brought gifts
- Debbie Kiene – Son’s bike accident recovery – now on an ebike; Squalicum HS Mother’s Day Baskets– 100 baskets (36 YWCA, 22 Dorthy Place/Opportunity Council, 17 Lydia Place; 18 DVSAS). Thanks to John Templeton who made and donated earrings for the baskets.
Sergeant at Arms:Bill Geyer covering Sergeant duties for Tony Freeland who made a $500 donation to Docks for Kids; miscellaneous Ski to Sea trivia
Program: New Member Talk - Molly Visser
- Brother-in-law is a member and encouraged her to be a Rotarian.
- Kitsap Co. native and moved to Bellingham 30 years ago.
- Bristol Bay commercial fishing for 15 years
- Western Washington University graduate – Environmental Science
- Realtor – John L. Scott
- Married 20 years
- 4 teenage boys (7thgrade youngest to senior in high school oldest)
- Wisdom from dad – made here feel like she can do anything
- Mom - best friend (aside from her husband)
- Miscellaneous facts (in part): Had a brain aneurysm; loves to ski; mini Australian shepherd named “Doug”; like to be creative – sets time aside for art; loves adventure with family and travel; loves being on water (needs a friend with a boat); backpacked for 40 days; all kids are welcome in her home; tended live tigers(!?!); got in a fist fight with a man in Costa Rica (long story – there was a bus ride involved); chased by a grizzly 3 times; caught 1,000lb of salmon an hour for 3 hours straight; reads morning affirmations and meditates; has eaten roadkill – porcupine and rabbit!
Respectfully submitted,
Sean Cool