Flag Salute & Invocation by Bill Geyer
Visiting Rotarians: Beverly Harrington (Burlington Sunrise, and District 5050 YES Chair)
Guests:  Lesa Boxx’s stepdaughter Oliva and husband/biz partner Jim Ferguson, John Purdie (Mt Baker Theatre)
Fireside gathering will be this Wednesday night Sept 7th 5:30pm at Anthony’s Hearthfire.  Firesides are an opportunity for experienced Rotarians to talk more about Rotary and Rotary life in detail with new members. All members who have never attended a Fireside are highly encouraged (required!) to attend.
Board Meeting this Thursday September 8th, 4:30pm at 2011 Young Street, Whatcom Land Title.
Fellowship event: Friday Sept 16th to see Capital Steps at MBT, with dinner before, please sign up, more details soon!
Third Thursday Business Lunch will be Sept 15th at noon at Anthony’s Hearthfire.
Glen / Lesa / Jeff Clement and Rod Bring represented our club at the Hospice Pro-Am Tournament. Placed 15th out of 31 teams!  Next year we want to challenge a team from another local Rotary club.  
Grape & Gourmet November 6 at Silver Reef:  The committee meets every Thursday 4pm at Bryant’s office (WINE WILL BE SERVED!) - 4th floor Dorothy Haggen Bldg in Barkley.
Bill Geyer with update on the Lydia Place and DVSAS projects. Steady progress. Special thanks to Brad Cornwell, Terry Brown and Phil Hageman among others.
First Thursday Rotary Happy Hour will be at Hotel Bellwether, Thursday October 6 at 4:30pm.
Business Bucket:  John Templeton remembrance bucks for the heartbreaking passing of Ted Mischaikov’s daughter last week.
Bucks in the Bay
  • Tonja Myers kudos to the BBRC participants in last week’s Hospice golf tournament;
  • Rod Bring kudos to Doug Wight for putting the BBRC team together at Hospice golf;
  • Curtis Dye with a Giovanni update;
  • Paul Twedt with stories about earrings, tattoos and skateboarding;
  • Harold Scott missed meetings while in Iceland on bus tour;
  • Mimi Ferlin missed meetings on cruise Portugal, Canary Islands and Morocco.
  • Lesa Boxx had good time riding with Rod Bring at the Hospice golf tournament.
Sergeant at Arms by Karen Burke
Fines for Mimi, Phil, Lesa, Glen, Paul, Eddie, Mike Hammes!
Bill Gorman introduced YES program chair, Beverly Harrington, and the two students that our club sponsored this year:  Jaren Tilly and Kimberly Cruz.  The YES program is an opportunity for high school students throughout Rotary District 5050 to experience the joy of serving others by volunteering in their local community and then going on an international humanitarian service project.  Тhis year, our District’s group of ten students and three mentors went to a small village near Copan Ruinas in Honduras.  Prior to the trip, the students attended monthly leadership training meetings and contributed 80 hours of local volunteer service during their junior year (11th grade).  Each student was also responsible for $1,500 of the program cost. The trip was ten days, and during that time they built a play structure and chicken coop for a school there.
Next year’s group will go to Guatemala.
Mike Bates wins raffle.
Respectfully submitted, 
Stowe Talbot