Flag Salute and Invocation
Visiting Rotarians: None
Guests: 4 officers from Squalicum Interact club, Sven Gilke, Jim Logghe
G&G Update by Bryant and Curtis: Presale wine deadline order this Thursday.  Please look at sign up sheets on table and pick a volunteer opportunity for the day of the event.
New Member Application:  Jim Logghe, former BBRC member and loan officer with Banner Bank, has been approved by the membership committee and the board.  Membership can comment on this pending application by contacting Bill Geyer or Bob Becker.
Bucks in the Bay
  • Stephanie tuned 75!
  • Bill Gorman for the Interact Club;
  • Scotty and Marianne for 2 weeks on vacation river cruise in Europe;
  • Andy Clay for second great grandchild!
  • Bob Becker for wedding anniversary and a birthday!
  • Tonja Myers for Interact club and happy birthday to sister Terry! Also everyone wash your hands during this flu season!
  • Mimi for two weeks in Scotland, St. Andrews, also for BTC black tie auction;
  • Terry for her birthday, and sad bucks for longtime friend passing away in MN;
  • Curtis Dye reported on Gio's efforts to play basketball on varsity Bellingham team;
  • Dick Stark for three weeks on Big Island;
  • Tresha sad bucks Harold Heiner passed away, next Tuesday at 2pm services for him on campus;
  • Stew Ellison hocking tickets for the Beatles fellowship event this Friday at MBT;
  • Dannon for a fun and successful open house for her neighbors last weekend;
  • Donna for the Interact club and a month in Europe;
  • Debbie Kiene babysitting grandkids this weekend;
Sergeant at Arms by Flo
Fines for Bill Boyd, DG Bill, Karen Burke and trivia.
Bill Gorman introduced Bill Robson, District Governor for our Rotary District 5050. Bill was born in England, emigrated to Canada 1974 to work in banking, now a member of Langley Central Club.  
1.  Membership and mentorships.  Polled as to why people are now in Rotary, most common reasons are: Networking business contacts, and giving back to the community;  according to the poll, Rotarians stay in Rotary because: Fellowship, and international giving back.
2) Rotary Foundation: Our club over the years has given a total of $326,000 to the RI Foundation.  Which helped eradicate polio almost everywhere  on the planet.
3) District Conference will be April 28-May 1 at Semiahmoo.  Very fun and educational event.
 Bill Robson presented awards ("World Class Rotarian") pins to:
-Stan Dyer;
-Bob Moles;
-Mike Hammes;
-Bill Geyer;
Raffle won by Jim Johnson.
Respectfully submitted,
Stowe Talbot